What you can use Stochastic Agents to help with...

Customer Service Agents

Deliver for your customers 24/7 days a week with Stochastic AI Customer Service Agents.

Available in app and over the web, our Customer-centric AI is available through voice and digital channels. Customers can get answers to their questions, process banking needs, and be routed to a human when necessary. Our AI ensures higher levels of capture, increased customer satisfaction, and overall cost savings for your institution.

Knowledge Base Agents

Support your teams with AI agents that make them more effective and efficient.

Knowledge Base Agents help your teams deliver instant answers during live interactions, speeding up onboarding, supporting new product and service rollouts, and minimizing escalations. They seamlessly integrate with your existing knowledge repositories: Notion, Confluence, Google Drive, Zendesk, Salesforce, and more.  

Decision Automation Agents

Equip your teams with their own agents who can help process complex tasks and queries in seconds.

Decision Automation Agents can be designed to perform complex, multi-step tasks, complete with data retrieval, analysis, and recommendations. And they can even be created to execute on recommendations, too. Transform your operations.

We specialize in regulated industries

Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

Banks, Financial Services, and Insurance businesses have unique needs. Secure systems, often on-premises and private clouds are the norm. AI Agents help support and augment customer service teams, make key information easier to find, and help with complex decision-making.


Healthcare businesses have unique needs, with a focus on patient privacy. Whether they use on-premise systems, private clouds, or SOC2 Compliant third-party clouds, their needs for security and privacy are prevalent in the field. AI Agents help support and augment knowledge banking and information management, making complex queries and analytical reports executable in minutes.

Manufacturing, Energy

Manufacturing, Energy, and other regulated industries have high compliance needs in addition to significant security considerations. AI Agents help augment field staff, bolstering customer support operations, create and maintain knowledge repositories, and help with complex decision-making.


How does Stochastic work?

Stochastic is a software platform that creates a team of agents to help your organization get more done, faster, more efficiently.

Ok, what’s an Agent?

An Agent is a being that works for you. Stochastic agents are AI driven, designed to operate in ways similar to internal support teams or product development teams would.

I am reading a lot about AI Agents. What makes Stochastic Agents unique?

Stochastic Agents are self-adapting and personalized. Self-adapting means that a Stochastic agent analyzes its own interactions with users, uncovers hidden insights, and suggests improvements. Personalized means leverages proprietary data and learns organizational knowledge to become a unique, trusted expert for your enterprise. 

Who uses Stochastic?

Stochastic is used by Fortune 500 companies who work in regulated industries. Small and medium businesses can also leverage Stochastic tools to streamline their internal and external operations. 

How hard is it to implement Stochastic?

A lot easier than you think. First, you train the model by uploading documents, or connecting files from platforms like Notion, Confluence, Zendesk, Salesforce, and others (you can also just bulk upload files or connect links). We also provide no-code customer engagement analytics to provide active feedback based on support history. Then you can start using - and gaining insights from - the agents right away!

What kind of return of investment would I expect from
using Stochastic AI agents?

It depends on the volume of tickets entering into your support pipeline. However, for our existing customers, you are expected to get around 3xROI, which means every dollar you spend on Stochastic for automation, you save 3 dollars of operational cost.